Friday, November 6, 2009


I was thinking about writing a book. I think its a good idea. The edge to it I was thinking would be about a girl in highschools whoes a mute. Or dumb. But shes not really mute, but when she was little her mother had screamed at her after she witnessed her mother cheating on her father that she was dumb, she couldn't speek. And she was forever mute from the trama. She carrys around a notebook at school and scribbles down words when she wants to talk.

Yah, thats all I got. Any ideas email me.

Love now and always,


I've been brainstorming for this blog since last exams. Yah, long time. Haven't got around to it...until now!

Duh duh da daaa!!!

I present to you my out look on so called "friends"

You reading this, yah, I don't care who you are or if this offends you. You are not my friend. I don't care if its Sarah or Kitty reading this. You guys aren't my friends either. Think about it. When was the last time you spent any time with me other then school. Not for a school project. That didn't really count. Times I've hung with Kitty and Sarah are...

Sarah: One time over here working on our bible project which was a fail. One time I purposely met her at the movies, she was with some party. Kitty was there too.

Kitty: One time over here working on out bible project. One time I went over to her house to study for a big science exam. And one time I ran into her and Sarah and the movies on purpose while they were there with some other friends. Oh, and crave (youth group) last year. But that kinda didn't count either. But yah.

So yah, they are my "school friends". Meaning we interact at school only.

So I guess thats it.

Damn it I thought I could squeeze alot more out of that.

Love now and always,