Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter ((2010))

How bad is it to wish, and literly wish, death upon your mother and brother. I hate him, and even more then that I hate her for not being able to control him.

I know thats a horrible entry, but its how I feel right now, if the dead can even really feel.

I've been shunned off our little family Easter Egg Hunt and told to go cry up in my room because I refused to let my mother take a picture of me and I went inside after my brother continuously called me a retard.

Thats been his word lately, as if hes not creative enough to come up with something new (hes not). He called me a retard all last night until I hit him on the head, then my mum screamed at me for touching God's perfect fucking creation.

Yah... Up until that my Easter was going pretty good. I cooked dinner, well more like a late lunch.

Oh, and a quick update on yesterday and the day before that a so on.

For Good Friday I went to this guy whom called himself my boyfriend's house, Danny, my last post was inaccurate, I was in a good mood, and it quickly fell through. I told him he wasn't my type that night, because, well, frankly he wasn't...

Ugh, as I type my brother is going through what he got, its a wonder how much of a kiss ass one kid can be, and what a fucking push over one old bag can be. Makes me want to re slit my throat.

God help us all,