Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dumped ):

Yah, I got dumped on august 28th late at night. I cried...I cried alot actually. I didn't write anything because I was still holding we would get back together because we still act like we did before about alot of stuff but it's painfully obvious that whatever feelings he may or may not have actually had for me are regretably gone.

One thing I found ironically humerous was he complained that I didn't write on this anymore, but what I guess he didn't understand was I wrote on this to cope with my depression, but when I was with him I didn't have much to cope about. I was just happy and normal. But now I'm all stingy and hurt and need an outlet so I don't do anythig dirastic.

I'm cutting myself again much to my delema. I'm afraid its the only thing to numb the serring pain. Getting dumped sucks. My godawful nightmares are back, it takes all my will power to get to sleep at night. I have to hug myself ever so tightly so I don't collapse of a broken heart.

Silly, I know, I seem to always over react to these love things, but I really wanted to be with him forever.

God I'm a sap.
