Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Biology Notes

God I'm devious.

Why do I say this? Biology class was killer :D

So this girl Christine who sits next to me (Shes kinda two faced, but hell shes got a million friends cause shes rollin' in it. But shes pretty okay I guess.) was in the office, so Randy, who is blinder then a bat but too cool to wear his glasses, comes up and sits next to me cause he can't see to take notes. I move as far away from him as possible, which wasn't really all that far. Anyways, I continued writing my notes like a good student, of course I'm a decently fast writer, so whenever I had a break I wrote all down the sides of the pages (all four pages front and back, thank you Mrs. Airheart) with swirly girly letters and hearts "Aaron Smith." You shoulda saw his face!

By the way, this is Aaron :D

Not the best picture of him, but its the only one I really have on my computer at the moment :)

Isn't he adorable though?

Oh, I watched the Lovely Bones last night. Yea, I bought my first pirated film. $5. Yea, I coulda just watched it online for free, but I wanted to watch it in my room by my self. Not in a big theater with thousands of people of whom I do not know. Makes me feel too lonely.

Anyways back on Biology, my right arm would brush his while I was writing, it killed me how warm he was and how much I would have just rathered cuddle into his arms, for his body heat and slow, steady pulse. Anyways, I'm makeing progress. Saturday is homecomeing... I'm not eating, trying to lose weight so I don't look so big in my dress, I'm also whitening my stained yellow teeth :/ Its from not breathing I think.

Anyways, aren't you proud of me for acting like more of a girl? Lol

Love now and always,

There are raindrops on roses, and girls in white dresses
Its sleeping with roaches and taking back
Shed off her sheets and before all the stage
And a few more of your least favorite things

Sunday, January 24, 2010


I'm going to have a contest. Interested? My email is, as if you haven't heard that enough. But enough of me rableing, more about the contest!

Its a banner contest, I know your all so very very talented. I want you to make a banner for this blog (or my other blog if you'd rather). Now there are some rules in which I will list below.

1. No stealing other peoples pictures, I would prefer you put a picture of me somewhere in there, in which if you email me I will gladly send you some, or a link where you can get some. My myspace is always open, Bekkiehhh.

2. No folger images or text.

3. It must say somewhere on there or if your doing it for my other blog.

4. Banner sized. Longer then width, you know what I mean.

5. You have to sign it somewhere, or something like that.

6. Have fun o-o Or else >.>

When you are done just email it to me, or leave it as a comment below.

Now this contest has no dead line, so I'll still take entrys a year from now. That doesn't mean I won't pick a winner. I will just put up the one I like best as they come in (which will be rather slow seeing as I have so fans). But yes. As a reward you will get a pat on the head. :)))

No, actually, I will praise you for your amazing work and put it up for the banner on the blog. ^^

Love now and always,