Thursday, October 29, 2009

Long time much?

Sorry sorry sorry sorry, I could type sorry a million times and you still would now know how truly apologetic I am. Oh, and before I forget a lovely man/boy/thing emailed me with words that made me smile. So I figured I put that out there. Thank you David you made my day. Or rather nights x3. So yah, school sucks. Especially since I can't get anything lower then a C or no phone and I think my mom would put me in lock down. Or a mental hospital ^^. So updates: Randy is an ass, I might like a guy named Jacob Cookie, Sarah is weird, I mean, er, I love Sarah? (=P you know its true, you love me too), Kitty is okayish, and I'm still lonely as ever. Me updates: I dyed my hair, I got new glasses, I found my ring, I figured out how to make these amazing little bracelets out of electric tape, and I hate this keyboard.

That's pretty much it.

Oh, and I have a research paper's rough draft due tomorrow... I haven't even started the body yet. Yah, epic fail, I know.

Yah, I'm amazing. Pshyah, I know. =/ Failage. Major failage.

Love now and always,

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