Monday, September 20, 2010

Who do I talk to?

This whole getting dumped thing is really starting to get on my nervs. It's like, I used to always talk to him when I was upset and he'd make me feel soooo much better, but now I can't, and even if I try he just ignores me. It's like "hey, I wanna be friends but I don't want to act like one." And it really really sucks because he used to be my ultamate best friend and now he always ignore me. It's just like a low blow to take a friend and a boyfriend away from me at once.

Ugh, so school sucks. I'm acctually trying to whip this out before I have to leave so I don't keep thinking about it so intensly at school all day. I didn't do my stupid history homework so I'll get in trouble for that right early in the morning, yay. Erm, yah, i'll try to remember to post an entry about all the trouble my schools giving me and about how I'm leaving for sure next. Year and my mums mad I can't leave this year because they roally fucked up my schedual :/

My kitty loves me, she's acctually streatched out next to me right now purring. I love my baby.

Er, I'm cosplaying as pikachu for Halloween and for mechacon, but that's not for awhile. I'm going to LouisiANIME too so of your going you should tell me and we can totally be like "sup?" Yah, I'm cosplaying as a female Reno, Tifa, and my fursona. Me and Tora (Olivia) are going together. She's being madarro (?), Yuffie, and some chick from Ohrine HighSchool Host Club(?).

I'll be blogging about that more and more as things get near :)

Ugh, I do NOT want to go to school ): But I have too, sucks....


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