Saturday, December 19, 2009

Can you say _______?

I smiled at Kitty even though I didn't hear what they said. Everyone else was smiling, I can take a hint. Shes there, a new girl. Not new to the school. New to me. New to me hating her. Shes standing in his presence. Hes smirking at her. Hes looking her over. Hes never looked at me like that. I hate her. Shes handing him something. Telling him he has to put it on. I hear Sarah teasing him, but it all seems to distant to be real. Or maybe I'm the one whose not real. His face starts to tint red. I hate her. Shes flawless, shes perfect. She smiles at him sweetly, flirty. I hate her. He puts it on. A pink Santa's hat. He never does so much to look at me anymore. I hate her. Heather whispers something after she takes him back to the rest of their group. "Can you say whipped?" I hate her. I want to cry. But I can't cry. Even I know that. I put away the food I was trying to eat. I stopped imitating to breath. I sinked back in my chair as I slipped away back into my head. Back into my sub conscious. I still have him in my mind. I felt every time we held hands replay in my mind. Almost a year and I'm not yet over him. Can you say pathetic?


A very detailed description of maybe two minutes at my class party. I should write a book.

Love now and always,

P.S. Check out my new blog. I uploaded new pictures.

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