Sunday, December 20, 2009

Lara 01

Like, five days till Christmas. Yay, presents! :) So many people forget why this holiday is actually here. Yes, I am going to go religious on you; however, I am not going to "preach" at you. I am way too smart for that.

Christmas is the holiday to celebrate the Christ, or Jesus', birth. However, few realize Jesus was not born in December at all. Christians -and now others, but with different customs- celebrate Christmas in December because when times were very hard for certain religions as Christians there was a Roman holiday in December and everyone was already celebrating. So they used that holiday as a sort of front. Lovely, isn't it? How many of you actually knew that prior to me telling you. Shut up. Play dumb.

On the topic of presents, my daddy gave me my present early :)

Her name is Lara. Shes a kitty. Shes been hanging around Walmart's loading docks and warehouse :) Shes adoreable ♥. I'm not posting any pictures of her right now. But soon. I promise.

Love now and always,

P.S. Tonight, I'll wait until I know you're fast asleep to poison you with memories of you and me. I pray you die slowly, so I can be the last thing you see. Oh you'll see.

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