Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sur vived

I have survived today without being raped or torn in two...

Yea, I have a way with entering sentences xD

So today I hung out with my two friends Dylan and Brandon whom I have both known since third grade. I have no hung out with either for nearly a year though :( Sad, I know.

Brandon played violin with me in third grade. He was and still is a GIANT to every extent of the word. He called me small fry and teased me. It was a love hate relationship :) He has kinda sorta had a crush on me since then. Or it seems to be.

Dylan, I wasn't really friends with in third grade. I just knew him. I became sorta kinda friends with him in sixth grade when my first boyfriend evar (Tyler ♥ I still adore him) was one of his best friends as well as Brandon's. I had a little crush on him. Yea. I was a dork. In seventh grade when I switched to private schools and grew up a little he started likeing me to. We've been dateing on and off since then :/

So yah, I know what your thinking. My, oh my, Bekki, how on earth did you survive hanging out with these two together at once. Did you bring some friends? Did you cause a distracting? Did you act dead to make them repulsed? No! I did not of those I'm proud to say. Dylan and Brandon are friends, and dispite anything Dylan is or isn't he is always kind to his friends. He talked to me about Brandon likeing me and if I liked him. I told him no. Not for any particular reason other then I just don't like Brandon like that. And me and Brandon have very different views on relationships :) Nothing personal. Dylan did good. He didn't go overboard on PDA not that I thought he would. Yah we flirted, kinda. But more friendly then anything. Dylan and I, I think, will always have a little chemistry. And I know he'll always be around if I need a good friend. If anything from today, I've owned up to a whole new respect for Dylan. Yah, he can be a dick. Yes, he is a semi whore. But he really is a good friend.

So yea, we hung out at the park for awhile. Then when some little kids came, since Dylan and Brandon like to cuss and have in appropreate conversations, not that I mind, I asked if we could walk or something. We did. We walking around and talked for awhile. Ran into two or three of their friends. I politely waved looking as alive as possible. Then we desided to go to Monkey Hill. Yah, yah, I know. "Oh, Bekki. What is this Monkey Hill you speak of? Can we makeout there?" I'm adding in the last part to help my self confidence. No need for a hissy, Jesus. Monkey Hill is an area in this small woods by my house with a series of hills :). Then we walked over to a parkish area, from there we walked to this lake thing that was the cutest thing ever. I'll walk back there sometime and take pictures :)

So yah, I know what your thinking. Why on earth would two guys like you, Bekki. Your not even pretty. Well F you!

Love now and always,

Your eyes are blue like the ocean, and baby I'm lost out at sea.

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