Saturday, August 22, 2009

Things are getting better

I fell inlove with a guy in 7th grade. His name is Daniel (real name, cause nick names are for people I actually care if other people know). Many months ago me and Daniel got into a fight. Why you may say. Why, why, why. Why is the million dollar question. And I'm going to answer it. Basically he told me him and his girlfriend had broken up. And I didn't quite believe it was true. So I asked her. He got pissed at me for not trusting him. And we haven't talked since... Until tonight. We made up ^^. Its fantastic. Oh yess ♥ So thats it really. Hes my emo lovey bear. And I'll steal him from his girlfriend...eventually...

Love now and always,

P.S. Don't bug me about this post in anything but the comments below. I promise it won't kill you. ♥

Revised on August 29th, 2009 at 12: read below:

So instead of clearing what I already wrote or starting a new post I decided to shuve all this together since its on the same topic. Daniel. I could totally spend forever with him. But I'm not going to. He does have a girlfriend, even though he talks crap about her more then anyone else. But he will not leave her. Though I don't blame him, cause I'm not all that great =/ But point being. He is an unrealistic crush. Meaning its never going to happen. Because quite frankly hes on the dick-head side. Calling him that might have a little bit to do with the fact he called me last night. Told me he'd call me right back. And never did. Gee, thanks. As if my self esteem didn't suck already.

Love now and always,

P.S. I've got a crush on a guy at school :) His name is... We're gonna call him Bennie. ♥

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