Friday, August 21, 2009

You Belong With Me

Hey. I know like no one reads this. But Ima see if I can get this amazeingly talented guy more subscribers. Cause I love his song. I actually went through the bother of downloading them xD Cause I'm weird like this.

You Belong With Me (guy version) click here
His channel is here.

A close friend originaly linked me to him =D.

Actually the only reason I continued to watch his video is because he reminds me of an older version of my dear friend Kitty's little brother Cullen.

Naw, but it reminds me of Randy =3 Not that he would ever say anything like that, but hes the only one who really knows so much about me and all. Actually I got a new knife story to post later. Yah, I'm makeing up for my days gone =3

Love for now and always,

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