Saturday, August 8, 2009

Love at First Sight

There is no such thing as "love at first sight". There is lust at first sight. But love is a deeper conection then something you can know by simply viewing someone. It in an un eraseable fact. Love is something you can just take away. Love is a permantent mark you make on someone. Weather they feel the same way or not. Love is the hardest thing to forget. Love is permanent and un eraseable.


My friend Kitty. I love her. I'm not inlove with her. But I would do next to anything for her. Same thing with Sarah and Randy. I love them. They're all I have to hold onto. No fight could ever tear it away. No amount of rejection Randy could give me would stop me from doing everything in my power for his happiness. Thats why I'm okay with us ignoreing each other in public. I would do the same for Kitty or Sarah in a heartbeat. Thats how love it. Doing absolutely anything for one another. Weather its a friend or family. Its an un eraseable fact. Its unforgetable.

Lust on the otherhand. Is lasting only a short time and is easy to forget. Its something that quickly happens and quickly ends. Its part of life. Its something everyone will feel. Its how you handle it that defines who you are. Weather you give in and are captivated by it being "love" or if you see through its insecurity and don't react stupidly apon it.

Your voice is the enemy of yourself. For so many stupid unthought out things are spoken. So many hurtful things that you don't relize. Things that may cause emotional distress to another. Which they may act stupidly on. Like takeing a cup of mixed pills. Or anything at all. Don't let your voice take control of your life. Think before you speak. And speak slowly but surely.

Love for now and always,

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