Thursday, August 6, 2009


So its storming here. With thunder and lighning. And I'm totally scared of thunder and lightning. Life sucks. Or rather dead sucks. Hmmm I wonder how one should phrase that. Hehe. So I decided I want to list all forms to comunicate with me. Cause I love friends. Though I must say I don't get along with girls very well. I don't really know why. But if you wanna try thats cool.

I have MSN which is

I have Yahoo which is

I have Myspace click here.

I have Youtube username is hihipeoples.

Hmmm what else is there... I will reply to all comments, unless I don't feel the need to.

My username here is Bekki, duh.

My username here is LilMissPanda.

Okay so Ima talk about the last site. Because the only reason I put it up there is...well just to do it. And my best friend is the site owner (who frequently lets the server crash). And I luffer him so much. Its a role playing game (rpg for short) and its really fun. Its not really big or anything so I don't get overwhelmed by it. And its decently maintained so I can bare it (unlike a certain site which will remained un named *cough**cough*).

I get on Yahoo enough to post it without saying you might have to wait a week for a reply. I get on MSN just about everyday. I'm kind of straying away from Myspace though. No one really messages me on there anymore :'( I rarely check my inbox on YouTube though. As for the last two I get on them constantly. But currently CoF ( is down cause my friend let the server crash again. By the way, pay no attention to my technical talk. He probably didn't let the server crash, and the server probably didn't crash. I dunno what happened so I decided to call it that.

So I dunno... I'll post my Zombi Meme later...

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