Thursday, August 6, 2009

Words from Antterrellpegues

He told me to put an entry with this in it... Not sure if he was serious. He'll yell at me later if he wasn't.

your are a person that went through a lot of stuff but for some reason i seem to like u..evenin thinkin we r not the same color.dpnt like the same thing..but just becuss we r both humans.i know i only known u for a little..little while..i truly support wat u r doin..u experience something 1 and a million couldnt experience..bein amaze me how u can be here to tell the story..even know ur still dead..i respect u ..ur pretty cjute and new to a new born child that dosent know how to walk.
i question myself [why am i still talkin to this person after all the stuff she told me]becuss she have balls to say that ..and rare of a person.
sorry if i sound stupid

I think Ima try to talk him into actually writeing a guest blog sometime. If he agrees there will be a Words from antterrellpegues II. If not there won't be. Whatever ^^

Love now and forever,
~Bekki and Antterrellpegues♥

By the way don't you think Antterrellpegues totally sound like Roman or something? ^^

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