Friday, August 7, 2009

Tell Him How You Feel

She wants me to tell him how I feel. The she in this sentance is Sarah. My dear friend but she is so stuborn and dempt on getting me and this him figure together. The him in this sentance is Randy. Yes Randy hes in this thing again. I was actually planning on not writeing about him. Some how I got sucked it. Lets call it his deadly charm.

Seriously. Its deadly. And it will be the death of me. Well second death. Hmmm. I miss being alive. For the sole purpose its harder to type this way. But hey. At least my fingers aren't stiff like most differently biotics out there.

Back on task. My dear living Randy. We text always. Except the past two days because I let my phone die and haven't charged it. Even the dead are lazy. I tell him everything that I tell no one else. And he tells me stuff I doubt he tells other people. You know how guys are.

Randy and I have built a friendship I am happy with. We have this trust thing. And I see it as it bonds us together. I would never tell a soul his secrets. Living or dead. Or undead for that matter. Ha. I made a funny. Yah shut up only your mum laughs at you jokes.

So Sara. Shes nice. Different. But nice. Her and Kitty are good friends. She was the first to accept both of us after we came back. A true angle for the dead she is. Ha. That was a joke to. Like the angle of dead, angle for the dead. No. Joke fail. Shut up v.v

Love for now and always,

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