Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sur vived
Yea, I have a way with entering sentences xD
So today I hung out with my two friends Dylan and Brandon whom I have both known since third grade. I have no hung out with either for nearly a year though :( Sad, I know.
Brandon played violin with me in third grade. He was and still is a GIANT to every extent of the word. He called me small fry and teased me. It was a love hate relationship :) He has kinda sorta had a crush on me since then. Or it seems to be.
Dylan, I wasn't really friends with in third grade. I just knew him. I became sorta kinda friends with him in sixth grade when my first boyfriend evar (Tyler ♥ I still adore him) was one of his best friends as well as Brandon's. I had a little crush on him. Yea. I was a dork. In seventh grade when I switched to private schools and grew up a little he started likeing me to. We've been dateing on and off since then :/
So yah, I know what your thinking. My, oh my, Bekki, how on earth did you survive hanging out with these two together at once. Did you bring some friends? Did you cause a distracting? Did you act dead to make them repulsed? No! I did not of those I'm proud to say. Dylan and Brandon are friends, and dispite anything Dylan is or isn't he is always kind to his friends. He talked to me about Brandon likeing me and if I liked him. I told him no. Not for any particular reason other then I just don't like Brandon like that. And me and Brandon have very different views on relationships :) Nothing personal. Dylan did good. He didn't go overboard on PDA not that I thought he would. Yah we flirted, kinda. But more friendly then anything. Dylan and I, I think, will always have a little chemistry. And I know he'll always be around if I need a good friend. If anything from today, I've owned up to a whole new respect for Dylan. Yah, he can be a dick. Yes, he is a semi whore. But he really is a good friend.
So yea, we hung out at the park for awhile. Then when some little kids came, since Dylan and Brandon like to cuss and have in appropreate conversations, not that I mind, I asked if we could walk or something. We did. We walking around and talked for awhile. Ran into two or three of their friends. I politely waved looking as alive as possible. Then we desided to go to Monkey Hill. Yah, yah, I know. "Oh, Bekki. What is this Monkey Hill you speak of? Can we makeout there?" I'm adding in the last part to help my self confidence. No need for a hissy, Jesus. Monkey Hill is an area in this small woods by my house with a series of hills :). Then we walked over to a parkish area, from there we walked to this lake thing that was the cutest thing ever. I'll walk back there sometime and take pictures :)
So yah, I know what your thinking. Why on earth would two guys like you, Bekki. Your not even pretty. Well F you!
Love now and always,
Your eyes are blue like the ocean, and baby I'm lost out at sea.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Lara 01
Christmas is the holiday to celebrate the Christ, or Jesus', birth. However, few realize Jesus was not born in December at all. Christians -and now others, but with different customs- celebrate Christmas in December because when times were very hard for certain religions as Christians there was a Roman holiday in December and everyone was already celebrating. So they used that holiday as a sort of front. Lovely, isn't it? How many of you actually knew that prior to me telling you. Shut up. Play dumb.
On the topic of presents, my daddy gave me my present early :)
Her name is Lara. Shes a kitty. Shes been hanging around Walmart's loading docks and warehouse :) Shes adoreable ♥. I'm not posting any pictures of her right now. But soon. I promise.
Love now and always,
P.S. Tonight, I'll wait until I know you're fast asleep to poison you with memories of you and me. I pray you die slowly, so I can be the last thing you see. Oh you'll see.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Can you say _______?
A very detailed description of maybe two minutes at my class party. I should write a book.
Love now and always,
P.S. Check out my new blog. I uploaded new pictures.
Friday, December 11, 2009
New Blog!
The Beauty in the Eyes of the Beholder
I hope I linked that right o-o
Love now and always,
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Sorry for that moment :) I just felt like writing differently. The frozen moment in time, if you do pardon my irony, is during my little brother's football team. It snowed in Louisiana. Isn't that wonderful :) Maybe we will have a white Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas go listen to Last Christmas by the amazeing band Busted. Comment what you think of them if you haven't already heard of them :)
Speaking of Christmas on a very off subject by that, I cut my hair. Heh. No pictures of it, but I do have a few new pictures for you dorks. They, however, will not be posted on this blog. I am haveing a new blog for just my creations. I don't know what the name of it will be yet so keep watch for it.
Love now and always,
P.S. I will still be posting here, I just want to have a blog just for creations and things.
Monday, November 23, 2009
New Moon
Not enough topless Jacob :(
To much drama crap :(
More topless Edward then I ever wanted to see >=O
Ugh, to much of Edward and Bella have mental sex >.>
All together to much of Bella and her man voice o-o
And am I the only person who thinks they need to higher a different actor to play Bella vampire then Bella human?
But overall I'm glad I saw it.
And I'm working on a dorky outfit picture.
For now I have this.
And this.
Notice my eyes are drawn on xP
Love for now and always,
Sunday, November 22, 2009
A Quicky
My homecomeing dress :)
My new dress from Hott Topic :)
My Aaron <3
My new saying- "Smile like an idiot, live everday to its fullest, dream like tomorrow may never bother to come, and we can all live forever." -Bekki
New picture
Thats all for now.
Love now and always,
P.S. Say whats that sound? Thats my heart beat, its getting much louder. My heart beat, its stronger then ever. I'm feeling so alive, I'm feeling so alive.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Dead-beat Homecoming
But greatfully I've gotten emails from 4 new people who came across me on Google.
Google stalks me xD
God I'm cool xP
So yah, homecomeing is soon DD: I hate dances. I never get asked. And I always wish I do. I never get asked to dance. I can't dance. I can slow dance. But I can't dance normally. I bought my homecomeing dress, which I will upload later, its really pretty. I'm going to wear heals, without falling! Kittys my date! xD Just a little joke. Kitty'll probably get asked a few hundred times. Lucky. Yah, I'm jealous of her. :'(
I thought about asking Daniel if he would wanna come over here and be my date. I decided I'm to ashamed. Plus I think he got a girlfriend. So sad :/
Thats all cool though, you wanna know why? I'm dead. Nothing can hurt me now.
Thats a lie. Everything hurts me.
Love now and forever,
Friday, November 6, 2009
Yah, thats all I got. Any ideas email me.
Love now and always,
Duh duh da daaa!!!
I present to you my out look on so called "friends"
You reading this, yah, I don't care who you are or if this offends you. You are not my friend. I don't care if its Sarah or Kitty reading this. You guys aren't my friends either. Think about it. When was the last time you spent any time with me other then school. Not for a school project. That didn't really count. Times I've hung with Kitty and Sarah are...
Sarah: One time over here working on our bible project which was a fail. One time I purposely met her at the movies, she was with some party. Kitty was there too.
Kitty: One time over here working on out bible project. One time I went over to her house to study for a big science exam. And one time I ran into her and Sarah and the movies on purpose while they were there with some other friends. Oh, and crave (youth group) last year. But that kinda didn't count either. But yah.
So yah, they are my "school friends". Meaning we interact at school only.
So I guess thats it.
Damn it I thought I could squeeze alot more out of that.
Love now and always,
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
I'm being Cleopatra for Halloween ^^ I'll post a picture later tonight as well as another post I've been meaning to get around to. But now, my mother is yelling. So goodbye.
Love now and always,
Yah, she threw a cup at me. F*ck her too.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Long time much?
That's pretty much it.
Oh, and I have a research paper's rough draft due tomorrow... I haven't even started the body yet. Yah, epic fail, I know.
Yah, I'm amazing. Pshyah, I know. =/ Failage. Major failage.
Love now and always,
Monday, September 28, 2009
Unknowing Long Distant?
Love forever and always,
I volenteered to help paint kids faces at this thing called Gator Fest. It was a cherity thing for suicide prevention and mental diseases. It was kinda personal to me if you know what I mean. Well thats me painting my evil little brothers face. Hes a bully.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thoroughly Embaressed
Love now and always,
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Difference Between Life and Death
Love now and always,
Pictures of me, dead as ever
And I am totally into photography. This is a picture I like that I took about two weeks ago.
Thats all.
Oh, and Daniel asked me out about half an hour to an hour ago. I said yes... This might end before it even begins though...
Love now and always,
"It leaves your gums, slips down your tounge, and travels down right towards your lungs"
Friday, September 18, 2009
Emo Girls Are Hot!
Quite frankly I've been dumped for being emo. Because I require attention due to the fact I'm suicidal. So yah. Make sure if your totally into "emo" girls your serious, not just because they're "hawt" cause that genteralization kinda of hurts. If you want a "hot emo" girlfriend so bad please make sure you plan on helping her through depression as well.
Me personally would love for a guy to give me a reason to live (hypothetically speaking). Because when I was alive, no one would step up to the plate.
Love now and always,
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Kitty Update
Friday, September 11, 2009
Cry me a river
I'm ignoreing Randy =D Ima ignore him for a couple more weeks before I let up. He totally has been depressing me. And depression is the last thing I need at this point.
I'm dieing my hair black. I'm thinking of black (which will fade to dark brown) with some nice medium brown layers and highlights (which will fade slightly lighter). But I want to layer them in razor cuts to make the layers a little more blendy standing out though. Any ideas send me a picture or link =D I could really use the help. And I'm hopeing I can talk Kitty into comeing over to help me with my back. Its annoying me I can reach back there very well since death...
So this is a more lengthy post and I'm proud of it...
So Ima get back to that life I don't have :)
Love for now and always,
"Laying here
Alone I fear
Afraid of the dark
No one to claim
Alone again"
Friday, September 4, 2009
Such abuse
Love for now and always,
~Bekki Bell
Friday, August 28, 2009
The flu
Love now and always,
P.S. Yes, Randy is fine. I just haven't really talked about him lately.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A brand new scar
Speaking of dead people's pictures. With a smile I present to you Kitty.
Death only enhanced her beauty...
Love now and always,
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Things are getting better
Love now and always,
P.S. Don't bug me about this post in anything but the comments below. I promise it won't kill you. ♥
Revised on August 29th, 2009 at 12: read below:
So instead of clearing what I already wrote or starting a new post I decided to shuve all this together since its on the same topic. Daniel. I could totally spend forever with him. But I'm not going to. He does have a girlfriend, even though he talks crap about her more then anyone else. But he will not leave her. Though I don't blame him, cause I'm not all that great =/ But point being. He is an unrealistic crush. Meaning its never going to happen. Because quite frankly hes on the dick-head side. Calling him that might have a little bit to do with the fact he called me last night. Told me he'd call me right back. And never did. Gee, thanks. As if my self esteem didn't suck already.
Love now and always,
P.S. I've got a crush on a guy at school :) His name is... We're gonna call him Bennie. ♥
Friday, August 21, 2009
Update on responses
Love now and always,
So my friend, to be called Aaron (best I could think of), thinks I have depression issues... Do I? I don't think I do. Actually I probably do. x3 But it makes me special, right?
Not really.
So I miss Tommy. If you don't remember who Tommy is you should probably scroll down. We haven't talked since August 8th. No I'm not one of those creep who counts the days. I just remember it cause he called me cause he knew he wouldn't be able to on my birthday. So yah. And it was the day after my first day of high school.
"And know that I don't hate you, and know that I don't want to fight you, and know I'll always love you. But right now I just don't..."
I dunno. I really like that song by Relient K. Which to Bury, Us or the Hatchet. I also like Lollipop by Framing Hanley. And for you who automatically assume I'm talking about that... I think its Lil Waynes(?) version... I'm not. This is a much louder version <3 Of course I also absolutely adore Dave Days' version. Thats one of my goals in life (you know what I mean) by the way. To give DaveDays' a hug =3.
Cause I'm a nub like that!
Love for now and always,
You Belong With Me
You Belong With Me (guy version) click here
His channel is here.
A close friend originaly linked me to him =D.
Actually the only reason I continued to watch his video is because he reminds me of an older version of my dear friend Kitty's little brother Cullen.
Naw, but it reminds me of Randy =3 Not that he would ever say anything like that, but hes the only one who really knows so much about me and all. Actually I got a new knife story to post later. Yah, I'm makeing up for my days gone =3
Love for now and always,
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I'm sorry
Love for now and always,
P.S. If you want to hear my view on a specific topic email me at littleblackpanda@yahoo.com, kay?
Friday, August 14, 2009
So I don't have the basic social skills. So I never made friends really. I've never hung out with Kitty or Sarah outside of school. I have a few guy friends but none are really close. They just come and go. So I don't know the basic things people think everyone was born with. Like flirting, basic communication, how to properly to my make up or even buy and wear clothes. That why I'm such a social outcast.
See its not really my fault I'm this way. And I'm not to blame for suicide. Anyone who goes through so much neglect would have tried too. When it brings you so much regret to continue breathing because you know your just a burden on other people's lives...
Love now and forever,
Over it?
I'll due another post on a thing that really killed me when I was younger. Kay?
Love now and always,
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I'm home alone. I don't know where my mom went. My dad took my brother some where. I don't feel older. Tommy was supposed to get on today to wish me happy birthday. Something tells me he forgot. Oh well... Its typical. I ate this stuff called "pink fluff" I made. I think I could taste it. But normally taste is just a memory. I bit my finger hard enough last night that my mom noticed. She made me stitch it up. I doubt it will heal. But it never hurts to try.
So my birthday isn't going along so great.
Love now and forever,
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Family Problems
Love for now and always,
Love at First Sight
My friend Kitty. I love her. I'm not inlove with her. But I would do next to anything for her. Same thing with Sarah and Randy. I love them. They're all I have to hold onto. No fight could ever tear it away. No amount of rejection Randy could give me would stop me from doing everything in my power for his happiness. Thats why I'm okay with us ignoreing each other in public. I would do the same for Kitty or Sarah in a heartbeat. Thats how love it. Doing absolutely anything for one another. Weather its a friend or family. Its an un eraseable fact. Its unforgetable.
Lust on the otherhand. Is lasting only a short time and is easy to forget. Its something that quickly happens and quickly ends. Its part of life. Its something everyone will feel. Its how you handle it that defines who you are. Weather you give in and are captivated by it being "love" or if you see through its insecurity and don't react stupidly apon it.
Your voice is the enemy of yourself. For so many stupid unthought out things are spoken. So many hurtful things that you don't relize. Things that may cause emotional distress to another. Which they may act stupidly on. Like takeing a cup of mixed pills. Or anything at all. Don't let your voice take control of your life. Think before you speak. And speak slowly but surely.
Love for now and always,
Walking Disaster
I’m sure everything’s the same
Mom and Dad both in denial
And only jokes to take the blame
Sorry, Mom, but I don’t miss you
Father’s no name you deserve
I’m just a kid with no ambitions
Wouldn’t come home for the world
Never know what I’ve become
The king of all that’s said and done
The forgotten son
This city’s buried in defeat
I walk along these no-name streets
Wave goodbye to home
As I fall…
At the dead-end I begin
To burn a bridge of innocence
Satisfaction guaranteed
A pillow-weight catastrophe
Our own mission now
here bound
Inhibitions underground
A shallow grave I
Have dug all by myself
And now I’ve been gone for so long
I can’t remember who was wrong
All innocence is long gone
I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief
Where I belong
A walking disaster
The son of all bastards
You regret you made me
It’s too late to save me
You regret you made me
It’s too late to save me
As far as I can tell
It’s just voices in my head
Am I talking to myself?
‘Coz I don’t know what I just said
And she said
As far as where I fell
Maybe I’m better off dead
Am I at the end of nowhere
Is this as good as it gets?
And now I’ve been gone for so long
I can’t remember who was wrong
All innocence is long gone
I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief
Where I belong
A walking disaster
The son of all bastards
You regret you made me
It’s too late to save me
To save me, to save me, to save me
It’s too late
It's too late
To save me, to save me, to save me, to save me
And now I’ve been gone for so long
I can’t remember who was wrong
All innocence is long gone
I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief
Where I belong
A walking disaster
The son of all bastards
You regret you made me
It’s too late to save me
I will be home in a while
You don’t have to say a word
I can’t wait to see you smile
Wouldn’t miss it for the world
I will be home in a while
You don’t have to say a word
I can’t wait to see you smile
Wouldn’t miss it for the world
Watch the video here.
Got the lyrics from here.
I am very emotional to this song. From begining to end. I love the ending though. I remember running when I woke up from my death. I remember hiding at a park I used to play at. I sat there on the swing in just a towel. I remembered everytime I had been there. I sat there for hours. And waited for the sun to come up.
I like scene hair. But not wild scene hair. More of a layered puffy look. Not the extreme. I wish I could find I site with decent chep wigs. I like sinthetic hair better then human hair. Human hair makes me feel icky. Thats why my extensions are sinthetic.
If you know a wig send me a link to it for sure.
Love now and always,
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tell Him How You Feel
Seriously. Its deadly. And it will be the death of me. Well second death. Hmmm. I miss being alive. For the sole purpose its harder to type this way. But hey. At least my fingers aren't stiff like most differently biotics out there.
Back on task. My dear living Randy. We text always. Except the past two days because I let my phone die and haven't charged it. Even the dead are lazy. I tell him everything that I tell no one else. And he tells me stuff I doubt he tells other people. You know how guys are.
Randy and I have built a friendship I am happy with. We have this trust thing. And I see it as it bonds us together. I would never tell a soul his secrets. Living or dead. Or undead for that matter. Ha. I made a funny. Yah shut up only your mum laughs at you jokes.
So Sara. Shes nice. Different. But nice. Her and Kitty are good friends. She was the first to accept both of us after we came back. A true angle for the dead she is. Ha. That was a joke to. Like the angle of dead, angle for the dead. No. Joke fail. Shut up v.v
Love for now and always,
The Night I Died
Eighth grade graduation. My juinor high put alot into it. We had a ceremony, a dinner, and an after part. The dinner was a formal dinner at a really fancy place. And after the dinner we were gonna go midnight bowling. I got this pixi style long strapless dress and extentions for the dinner. My dress frayed and I didn't notice how raggedy it really looked until after I was at the dinner. And my extentions looked aweful.
This guy, we'll call him Erin, made fun of me constantly. Hes Randy's best friend. He didn't stand up for me once. I let my heart fall... When I came home before going bowling I changed into this cute outfit. A corset I got from hott topic and these dark skinny torn and faded jeans. I put my black jacket on and left. I got to the bowling alley late. But with high hopes. Everyone had a lane already. There was no room for me. I stood there for about 45 minuets waiting for someone to say something to me after fetal attempts to say hi to my dear friend Kitty... But even she turned me away.
I couldn't believe no one would talk to me. Not even my so called "friends" would look at me. I went to the bathroom and cried my black eyes out. I cried in there for 1 hour and 15 minuets until my mom was there to pick me up and found me in there. People from my class even came into the bathroom. Heard me crying. Ignored me. I came out with a black tear striken face. Heart broken and lost. My mom led me to the car. About a month after that she bought me anti depresants...they never worked for anything but suicide.
Love for now and always,
Today. After I mentioned my birthday and he said he wanted to read my blog. He blew up at me. He told me to block and remove me from hes friend's list. I refused. I was scared that would make it mean forever. So he invited one of his friends to the conversation. His friend called me a fat whore and some other things. When he agreed to what his friend said my heart dropped. If I could I would have thrown up. But I can't eat...yet... So of course after five minuets of him yelling at me to F off and some other things I did as he told me to. I'm so sorry I wasn't everything he wanted. But I can't change me. No matter how hard I try.
When I blocked him. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I couldn't believe it. But I'm still to sad to do anything about it.
To clear something up, because I feel like a whore because of all the "love" in my blog. The 18 year old, we will call him Tommy. Tommy, I don't love him. I was just saying according to Terrel's definition I "love" him. The second guy. The guy I play frisbe with and stuff. We'll call him Randy, kay? I dated him once. I don't know how I feel about him. He was an odd relationship. I never really consider us to have ever dated. We never went on a date. We saw eachother at school back when he wasn't scared to talk to me in public. That came along when I died. I always thought after he dumped me. Maybe when we're a bit older. Maybe we could try again. Obviously thats not going to happen now. But I do love him... I'm just not inlove with him.
This guy. We'll call him Jared. I could have been inlove with Jared. He was talking about comeing to America. He was going to go see our friend who I'll call Perry. But he wasn't going to come see me. Thats when his love proved fake to me. Parry lives a state away from me. Parry doesn't like me much. Because Parry is bi with a gay crush on Jared. So Parry hates me. Because I've always been what stands between Parry and Jared. I would have moved if he would have ask. I would have done anything. All he had to do was ask.
I hear my parents fighting upstairs. And I hear my brother crying... I have to deal with this.
Love now and forever,
First Day of High School
My major complaint about the school. When I was alive I didn't regenerate heat at the normal rate as everyone else. Its an actual disorder. So now that I'm un dead I like to try to be like I was when I was living. Maybe it will help me feel more alive. So I wore the hoodie that I bought from my school's store which is the only hoodie you are promited to wear. But I was told to take it off today Monday it will be a dress code vialation...Really?
So I decided its time to talk to my best friend... She died in...Lets call it a mis adventure? Her name is Kitty. Shes undead obviously. We were friends before she died and before I died. She accepted me when I retured and I except her. She is a "fast" zombie like me. We both have no pauses and rarely any when we talk and we can walk like normal people. She might be comeing over sometime and I will upload a few pictures of her.
Love now and forever,
Words from Antterrellpegues III
10:35 PM
i love u bekki
10:37 PM
wat could i do with out u
10:38 PM
ps.ilove u bekki
10:39 PM
Got that last night... Hope you like it. I posted the ending because he'll get mad at me later ^^ Hes delusional though. He barely knows me. I call his love lust. And the fact that I posted that he'll never let me hear the end of. So long for now.
Love for ever and always,
~Bekki and Antterrellpegues♥
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Words from Antterrellpegues II
.they say livin life is easy..but diein is hard..i say no u have it backwards..they say u always find person thats just about the same as u.u cant always judge a book by its cover..sometimes i think ..if only i wasnt in this world ..would it make it better?..would people stop killin and rapin..and stealin..would they stop liein ..keep getin heart broken..but all of us may never have a chance to answer them and so we wait ..until.......there is no heaven or hell there is no belief ..there is no color .there is no feelin .no love ...just dark and light...hot and cold..
So he promised to write me another. Its acctually good if you can read his grammar, which I actually have problems doing. Its supposed to be on sex but I think hes just teaseing me. Oh I can't wait ^^
Love for now and forever,
~Bekki and Antterrellpegues ♥
Words from Antterrellpegues
your are a person that went through a lot of stuff but for some reason i seem to like u..evenin thinkin we r not the same color.dpnt like the same thing..but just becuss we r both humans.i know i only known u for a little..little while..i truly support wat u r doin..u experience something 1 and a million couldnt experience..bein dead.it amaze me how u can be here to tell the story..even know ur still dead..i respect u ..ur pretty cjute and new to stuff..like a new born child that dosent know how to walk.
i question myself [why am i still talkin to this person after all the stuff she told me]becuss she have balls to say that ..and rare of a person.
sorry if i sound stupid
I think Ima try to talk him into actually writeing a guest blog sometime. If he agrees there will be a Words from antterrellpegues II. If not there won't be. Whatever ^^
Love now and forever,
~Bekki and Antterrellpegues♥
By the way don't you think Antterrellpegues totally sound like Roman or something? ^^
okay love is not about ..i like u ..will ju go out with me..nuthin like ..its not like getin the prettyest person..love is findin some 1 ..thats totaly out of ur lead different thenn ..if u and that person spark something..and he or she understand u..and u get dioferent feelin for that person every time yall speak..love is ..everytime u and that person talk ..he or she always say sometyhing to make u happi..evenin when that person is bein a jerk..u still wanna talk to him or her..
thats love
Doesn't make seanse
He did edit it though. My hair was a lighter red. And my skin is a grayer paler form of that. But I really like the picture. Hes the only guy in the world I think would ever willingly kiss a dead girl. I was so happy to be kissed I think I was floating.
Unfortunately Ben-Ben and I were never together and I would rather not post the two guys names I did date before I was dead because they just might read this.
So on the subject of love. And the defination my dear friend gave me from his point of veiw. I actually have someone who makes me feel like that. But many things would complicate us ever being together.
1) I'm differently biotic and hes is a traditional biotic.
2) I am going on 14 and he is going on 18.
3) He just happens to have a girlfriend who is the amount of perfect I wish I could amount to.
On the brighter side of things I have learned to live with it. Again with that word. Dead with it doesn't sound so right though. Should I just keep saying "life" and "live" even though I'm dead? What do you think? Also, what is your definition on "love" and do you have it in you life?
On another side of this topic I have a best friend. We are really close, but when we see each other in public we just pretend we never talk. Hes popular and I'm dead. I hate that its like that but it is. I can't change it. But I can't help it, when we're together and no one is around. I'm happy. I feel like everything is perfect. Like I'm alive and nothing ever happened. I find it funny though. When we have something on our mind. We like to toss the frisbe while we talk. If you've ever read Generation Dead you will get why I'm such a Pheobe x Adam fan now. Only my Adam still ignores me and I'm not a beautiful living Pheobe. I'm a dead girl.
On a happy note I have totally mastered drinking. Most diferently biotics can't drink or eat. That need leaves them when they die. But I can drink... Though I wonder where it goes. I only drink when I'm trying to piss a living person off or just want to do it. It makes me feel acomplished. And I swear I can feel the liquid run down my throat. Its so cool!
Anyways now that I've taken time out of your life.
Love now and forever,
By the way because I know hes gonna read this. I apologize for my friends aweful gramar. I hope you can read it... Its not his fault he can't type. Please forgive him... I mean I love you?
Zombi Meme
1. How did you die? Over dose in the shower
2. How long have you been gone? Almost a year... Died the day after my thirtenth birthday
3. Death age/true age? 13/13 Turning 14 August 9th
4. What do you miss most about being alive? Nothing
5. What, if anything, is cool about being a zombie? Everything. I love my eyes, I love my hair. My skin looks the same though
6. How did your family react to you coming back? Not so good, yah know
7. Most humiliating moment as a zombie? I bit my thumb hard enough to peirce the skin without knowing it until some girl on the buss across from me screamed... Not allowed to ride the buss anymore...
8. Visible signs of zombiism? My hair is lighter, but my skin looks the same though. My eyes are beautiful though. They're white but with a little blue and gray
9. Goals/ambition? To find the love I never had when I was alive
10. "If I were alive today, I would..." I would have died the exact same way...
So there ^^
Read the original here. ***click***
If you are another differently biotic girl or boy you should fill it out to if you already haven't. And send me a link so I can read it ^^.
Love forever,
I have MSN which is strawsrant@hotmail.com
I have Yahoo which is littleblackpanda@yahoo.com
I have Myspace click here.
I have Youtube username is hihipeoples.
Hmmm what else is there... I will reply to all comments, unless I don't feel the need to.
My username here is Bekki, duh.
My username here is LilMissPanda.
Okay so Ima talk about the last site. Because the only reason I put it up there is...well just to do it. And my best friend is the site owner (who frequently lets the server crash). And I luffer him so much. Its a role playing game (rpg for short) and its really fun. Its not really big or anything so I don't get overwhelmed by it. And its decently maintained so I can bare it (unlike a certain site which will remained un named *cough*therealninja-rpg.com*cough*).
I get on Yahoo enough to post it without saying you might have to wait a week for a reply. I get on MSN just about everyday. I'm kind of straying away from Myspace though. No one really messages me on there anymore :'( I rarely check my inbox on YouTube though. As for the last two I get on them constantly. But currently CoF (www.chains-of-fate.com) is down cause my friend let the server crash again. By the way, pay no attention to my technical talk. He probably didn't let the server crash, and the server probably didn't crash. I dunno what happened so I decided to call it that.
So I dunno... I'll post my Zombi Meme later...
I have an older brother and sister and a little sister. Johnathan, Keagan, and Michii. Johnathan rarely speaks to me, my little sisters grandmother won't let her come near me. But my big sister Keagan still love and cares for me. My parents threw me out when I came back to life because of how I died. Which I will tell you later ^^.
This is me after my big sister (who I will show you later) bleached my hair, put my extensions on me, put tonz of make up on me to give me color, and dressed me in her clothes. I couldn't believe it was me when she showed me it. Of course though my friend Ben-Ben did edit alot for the color in my skin cause Im sooo pale.
This is my sister Keagan, she is absolutely stunning. Be jealous! =P
I actually don't have any pictures that I am comfertable shareing over the internet of my big brother Johnathan or my little sister Michii so you will have to go on wondering
I'll post my zombie meme thing I got from this wonderful site here.
Traditionally of differently biotics alike should join that site. It is amazeing in every way imaginable. And I told you to. =P
On the note of that site you should also go read Tommy's blog if you don't already. Click here.
By the way if either of those sites don't work I would love it if you did me a favor and mention that when you comment. Cause you know your going to.
Well if I don't get side tracked there should be a new entry here every day or every other day. Depends on how busy I am after school starts tomorrow.
I will do an entry on how my school handles a differently biotic girl though. ^^
For now and always love,